Mobile Billboards Advertising FAQ’s – Your Questions Answered

Mobile billboard advertising including AdVansAdBikes and AdTrailers are a very straightforward yet high-impact outdoor advertising medium. Most people have seen them in action and understand the principle of this guerilla advertising tactic. We hope that this website has given you the information you require to consider their use as part of your marketing mix. Below are some of the more frequently asked questions, simply click on the question text to reveal the answer, call us on 0333 500 5001 or send an email to:


Why use Gorilla Media for ‘Out of Home’ advertising campaigns?

Gorilla Media has a growing reputation for their ‘can do’ attitude and attention to detail that makes the campaign hassle–free and as effective as possible for the customer. This is best illustrated by the ever-increasing number of blue–chip Clients who keep coming back to Gorilla for their mobile media campaigns.

How much does it cost to advertise on Mobile Billboards

For total transparancy, rates for advertising on Gorilla Media mobile billboards including Advertising Vans (Ad Vans) Advertising Bikes (Ad Bikes)  Advertising Trailers (Ad Trailers) can be found on the individual product pages.

Where will the mobile billboard advertising vehicle operate?

In conjunction with the Client, factors such as the catchment area, target market and competitors locations are all taken into account. Events that may occur during the campaign period are also considered and from all of this information, a route plan is then formulated to give the maximum exposure to the right people.

Is there a charge to get the AdVan or AdBike in position?

There is no positioning mileage charge for operations within mainland United Kingdom when confirmed 7-days prior to the campaign. However, a supplement is applied to cover ferry and other costs for campaigns in Northern Ireland, Eire, offshore UK islands and continental Europe, most of which Gorilla Media have covered previously.

How quickly can you get my mobile billboard advertising campaign underway?

Looking to get your mobile billboard advertising campaign underway quickly? Look no further! At Gorilla Media, we pride ourselves on our record-breaking turnaround time of just 6 hours from receipt of artwork to print vinyl banners. And that’s not all – we can wire media for display on digital screens directly to our advertising van for immediate display. The only limitation is the availability and position of the vehicle, so it’s always best to book early to guarantee your campaign and avoid express courier charges. Under normal circumstances, we ask for artwork 7 days before the campaign starts, with digital display media required a couple of days before for onscreen testing. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to make a big impact – contact us today to get your mobile billboard advertising campaign rolling!

Is there an extra charge for mobile billboard advertising on weekends and Bank Holidays?

No surcharge is made for AdBikes, AdVans or AdTrailers for Saturday or Sunday operations. The only supplements charged are for public holidays where a 30% premium on the media rate (excluding production) is applied.

Can you help design my mobile billboard advertising banner?

Yes — Gorilla Media have access to a team of first-class freelance designers and copywriters who can develop your mobile billboard campaign from concept to finished artwork. The typical cost is around £300 per campaign.

What time does the mobile billboard AdVan, or AdBike 8–hour day start?

Flexibility is our guiding principle and the 8 consecutive hour operating day can start at the best time to meet the target market. Across a multiple day campaign, the start time can be staggered to reach the maximum Out of Home audience.

Can our promotional staff accompany the mobile advertising vehicle?

Yes — In addition to fully comprehensive vehicle insurance, Gorilla Media Limited carries both public and employee liability insurance allowing in the case of the AdVan fleet, up to 2 personnel to travel with the driver.

Can extra hours be added to the outdoor advertising operational day?

Additional hours can be arranged for AdBikes, AdVans or AdTrailers at pro-rata the 8-hour daily rate.

What happens to the banners after the campaign?

At the end of the campaign the banners can be returned to the client for further use. If there are plans or a possibility that the campaign may be repeated, then Gorilla Media will store the 48-sheet vinyl banners on behalf of the Client for a monthly storage fee fo £10/ month. Otherwise, they will be recycled or reperposed.